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The Importance of Gender Data for Market Analysis

January 10, 2024

More work remains to be done to disaggregate gender data on the macroeconomic and individual sector and company level. Measurement is the first step in addressing serious gender disparities.

Gender Disparities In The Labor Force Across Sectors Fuel Wage Gaps In North America

January 10, 2024

Closing gaps in participation rates between men and women isn't all that's needed to narrow the implied wage gaps. To the extent that biases, cultural, and other noneconomic factors affect sectoral labor supply choice, tackling these influences could help narrow the gender wage gaps.

Studying the STEM Education Gap Among CEOs Globally

January 10, 2024

In some sectors such as energy, autos and health care, women CEOs are more likely to have a STEM educational background compared to their peers who are men — suggesting a STEM background may be more important for women in these industries.

Women in Energy: More utility leadership roles, but parity remains far off

September 28, 2023

Women are playing a more pivotal role in the power and utilities sector than ever, a shift that comes at what some call an opportune time as the industry evolves to meet the challenges of increasing electrification and climate change.

Women in Technology: Key strategies to retain and attract diverse talent

April 1, 2022

Despite high satisfaction levels, there is still work to do to improve company culture. Many more women reported experiencing inequitable pay and advancement opportunities, as well as exclusion from important projects and social networks at work.

Leadership In Turbulent Times: Women CEOs During COVID-19

May 25, 2021

Women CEOs exhibited a different leadership style than men during the COVID-19 crisis, leaning toward empathy, adaptability, accountability, and diversity

Women CEOs: Leadership for a Diverse Future

October 24, 2022

Women CEOs, since the outbreak of the pandemic, steadily increased their use of words corresponding to leadership styles built around diversity, empathy, adaptability, and transformation.

COVID-19 Could Rapidly Expand Family-Leave Policies; It Could Also Deal A Serious Blow To Women In The Workforce

October 19, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic presented an urgent question for companies that want to retain their talent: How do you create policies that allow employees to balance career and family—both during a pandemic and beyond?

Women in Leadership

March 6, 2023

Diversity in leadership has received increasing attention in recent years from stakeholders in the sustainability world, but recent research from S&P Global finds that the number of women in top roles remains low.

Social Equity

Social issues are controversial at times, yet stakeholder capitalism, gender and racial diversity, and income inequality are driving investment and innovation in markets.

Further Reading